Red October Run 5K Walk
Location Greenfield Village Dearborn MI Start Time 10/1/2017 8:04:12 AM
Category Walking
Distance 3.24 miles Ascend 53 feet Descend -54 feet
Total Time 00:55:57 Moving 00:55:57 Stopped 00:00:00
Average Pace 00:17:15 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:09:35 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:21:03 min/mi
Calories 309 Average HR N/A Max HR N/A
Weather 45 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 42.9 °F/47.7 °F; Pressure: 1026.8 mbar; Humidity: 91.8%; Dew point: 42.9 °F; Wind Speed: 1.4 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Super Feet - Green - Pair 5
Asics - Asics - Gel Nimbus 17
Notes The very first race ever held on the grounds of The Henry Fords Greenfield Village Museum. I participated in the 5K Walk. "Don't miss the most historic 5K you'll ever run (or walk), as the 25 year Red October Run fall fitness tradition journeys to an exciting new venue in 2017: Greenfield Village! With feature events including a 5K run, 5K walk and non-competitive 1 mile Jr. October for kids (12 and under), the historic Beaumont Red October Run through Greenfield Village will offer an incredible opportunity to take a run through American history!"
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:16:14 00:16:14 00:16:15 3.7 -5.12
2.00 00:33:29 00:17:15 00:17:15 3.5 -3.31
3.00 00:51:10 00:17:40 00:17:41 3.4 4.43
3.24 00:55:31 00:04:20 00:17:51 3.4 4.11